Privacy Policy


This charter presents the commitments of the Nice-Matin Group and the fundamental principles that we apply to the protection of the personal data of Users of our Services.

It informs you about how we collect and process your personal data, the options and rights you have. We invite you to read it carefully.

It may be modified at any time, in particular to comply with any regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial or technical developments. 

For any further questions, you can contact our personal data protection officer at the following address:


We only use your personal data in the cases provided for by the regulations in force:

– The performance of a contract we have entered into with you, and/or

– Compliance with a legal obligation, and/or

– Your consent to the use of your data, and/or

– The existence of a legitimate interest in using your data. Legitimate interest is a set of commercial or business reasons that justifies the use of your data by the Nice-Matin Group


1. Who is the data controller?

The company that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data, i.e. the objective and the way in which it is carried out, is considered to be the data controller. The controller of the processing operations mentioned in this document is the Nice-Matin Group, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of €6,496,001.00, whose registered office is located at 214 boulevard du Mercantour – 06290 Nice Cedex 3, registered with the NICE Trade and Companies Register under number 804 856 596 and of which Mr. Jean-Louis Pelé is the legal representative.

2. What data is collected?

In general, we undertake to collect only the personal data that is strictly necessary for the purposes described below.

We are required to collect and process personal data concerning you, in particular: 

□ your identification data (examples: surname, first name, title, date of birth, email address, postal address, telephone numbers); 

□ your professional data (example: company, sector of activity, profession); 

□ your encrypted identifiers and passwords used to identify you on our Sites and our Applications;

□ your commercial data (examples: history of your transactions, history of your requests or your correspondence with customer service, data necessary for carrying out loyalty actions, prospecting, satisfaction surveys, statistics and promotion);

□ your billing data (examples: payment methods and history, transaction data, invoices); 

□ your statistical and usage data relating to our communications (email, SMS, notifications); 

□ your preferences, editorial and advertising interests that you have declared or which are deduced from your browsing on our Sites and our Applications; 

□ your connection and usage data for our services (examples: IP address, terminal type, type and version of the browser you use, the operating system as well as the date and time of your access, reading of articles and pages)

Cookies, other tracers or similar technologies (hereinafter “cookies”) may be installed and/or read in your browser during your visit to our Sites and Applications. We invite you to consult our cookies policy to learn more:

When your personal data is collected through a form, you are informed of the mandatory nature of the information by an asterisk (*) next to the relevant fields. The absence of an asterisk means that the information is not mandatory. 

Data concerning minors 

In principle, our products and services are intended for adults capable of entering into contractual obligations. Minor users under the age of 15 must obtain the consent of the holder of parental authority prior to the communication of personal data concerning them.

3. In what contexts are the data collected?

In general, data is collected directly from you during: 

□ the creation and management of an online account (customer account, user); 

□ subscribing to our newsletters and/or communications; 

□ the subscription;

□ your browsing on the Sites and Applications;

□ your connection to our services; 

□ your registration for our mobile applications and their notifications; 

□ your consultation of our newsletters and communications (opening statistics, clicks, etc.); 

□ registration and participation in our events; 

□ your participation in promotions, contests or games;

□ your sharing and interactions of our content with social networks; 

□ your comments, opinions and contributions on our products, services and content; 

□ your participation in our studies and surveys; 

□ the setting of preferences on our Sites and our Applications; 

□ your requests for information and our correspondence; 

□ the exercise of your rights relating to your personal data. 

In certain cases, we may be required to indirectly collect your personal data from partners to whom you have given your consent.

4. What are the purposes of data processing? 

This article tells you the main purposes for which we use the data mentioned in article 3.

4.1. Operations necessary for the provision of products or services

□Consideration of your subscription to a subscription contract for our publications and execution of this contract; 

□Consideration of your order for products or services and execution of this order;

□Management of subscriptions to our newsletters and/or email alerts;

□Billing, collection of payments;

□Delivery management and order tracking;

□Customer relations: provision of a Customer Service accessible by mail, telephone, e-mail for any questions or complaints;

□Conducting satisfaction surveys 

□Sending information about the modification or evolution of our services;

□Management of unpaid debts and disputes, fight against fraud;

□Management of the exercise of your rights over your personal data, under the conditions provided for in article 7;

□Verification of compliance with applicable legislation, our contracts and general conditions of use.

4.2. Marketing and commercial prospecting operations relating to the publications, products and services of the Nice-Matin Group

□Updating postal standards, updating, enriching and deduplicating your personal information in a dedicated database of the Nice-Matin Group;

□Sending information about our press group, its publications and its activity;

□Sending marketing, advertising and promotional offers relating to our products and services by post, mail, email, text message, notifications, on social networks or any other medium;

□Personalized loyalty or commercial prospecting actions;

□Implementation of competitions or other promotional operations;

□Collection of customer reviews;

□Development of commercial statistics.

4.3. Operations related to commercial partnerships

□Sharing, exchanging or renting files with business partners in compliance with current regulations and security requirements;

□Sending marketing, advertising and promotional messages relating to partner products and services by post, mail, emails, text messages, notifications, on social networks or any other medium;

□Implementation of competitions or other promotional or event operations with commercial partners.

□ As part of our partnership with “Dans nos cœurs” Order processing from the Tribute Boutique with the following purposes:
o provision of an online store, o development of audience statistics.

4.4. Purposes associated with the deposit of cookies on your browser

□Operation and optimization of navigation and use of the services of our sites and applications;

□Adaptation of the presentation of our sites and applications to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system, etc.) during your visits, according to the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal contains;

□Storing information relating to a form that you have completed on our site (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our site (service subscribed to, content consulted, purchase made, etc.);

□Automatic connection to reserved or personal areas of our site, such as your account, using identifiers or data that you have previously provided to us;

□Provision of sharing tools on social networks;

□Management of our platforms and carrying out internal technical operations in the context of problem solving, data analysis, testing, research, analysis, studies and surveys;

□Implementation of security and anti-fraud measures;

□Quality measures to ensure that the display of our content is adapted to your device;

□Access to audiovisual and interactive content

4.5 Attendance and audience measurement

□Establishment of statistics and volumes of traffic and use of the various elements making up our site (sections and content visited, routes taken) in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;

□Counting the total number of advertisements displayed by us on our advertising spaces, ranking and statistics;

□Audience analysis based on the results of advertising campaigns;

□Determination of interests and behaviors;

□Improving customer/user knowledge for personalization purposes.

4.6 Personalization of advertisements on our sites and applications

□Adapt advertising spaces to the display preferences of your terminal in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;

□Recognize you to display personalized advertisements on our site, on third-party sites and on social networks;

□Measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and service offers.

4.7 Personalization of the reader journey

□Personalize some of the editorial content highlighted so that it corresponds to the reader’s supposed interests;

□Personalize the product and service offers proposed by Le Monde;

□Measure the effectiveness of our personalization services;

□Interaction with social networks

5. How long is the data kept? 

Your personal data is kept for a period of time that complies with legal provisions or is proportional to the purposes for which it was collected. However, your personal data is kept for a longer period of time when legal and regulatory obligations require us to do so. 

Retention periods vary depending on the nature of our relationship: 

– we have an ongoing contractual relationship with you (you are an active customer); 

– we have had a contractual relationship with you in the past (you are an inactive customer); 

– we do not have a contractual relationship with you (you are then a prospect or user).

The data relating to your browsing on our online services collected by the cookies you have authorized have a specific retention period.

In any event, we regularly review the information we hold. When their retention is no longer justified by legal, commercial or customer account management requirements, or if you have exercised a right of modification or deletion, we will securely delete them.

The table below shows the main retention periods for your data.

6. Who may have access to the data we collect?

– The staff of the Nice-Matin Group:

□ Employees in the subscription, customer relations, administrative, accounting and management control, IT, marketing departments

□ The Nice-Matin group management and the Nice-Matin Group media agency

– Our subcontractors: 

They provide services on our behalf, including:

□ management of your subscription;

□ online payment, invoicing, securing this payment and the fight against fraud;

□ electronic signatures for the SEPA mandate;

□ the carrying and sending of publications 

□ recommendation of content or products, provision of informational content;

□ the personalization of the contents of the Sites, Applications, newsletters;

□ registration and participation in our events; 

□ the provision of analytical solutions or audience measurement statistics

□ management of opinions, comments and contributions

□ targeted advertising, retargeting;

□ customer relationship management 

□ carrying out maintenance operations and technical developments

□ Management of telephone calls, sending of postal or digital mail

– Social media platforms

The use of social networks to interact with our Sites and Applications (in particular the “share” buttons on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, etc.) or to connect via your social network account, may result in the collection of your personal data by these social networks. We invite you to consult the personal data management policies of the various social networks to learn about the collections and processing they carry out on your data. To access these documents and find out more, please consult our cookies policy:

– Our business partners

They promote products or services on their own behalf or on behalf of advertisers.

En naviguant sur notre site, vous pouvez accéder à des services mis à disposition en partenariat
avec d’autres sociétés. Ces dernières sont amenées à collecter et à traiter des données à caractère
personnel vous concernant, selon leurs propres politiques de protection des données personnelles.
Vous pouvez en prendre connaissance en cliquant sur les liens indiqués ci-dessous :


– Les autorités de police, autorités judiciaires ou administratives

Lorsque nous avons l’obligation légale de le faire ou afin de garantir les droits, les biens et la sécurité du Groupe Nice-Matin

– des partenaires commerciaux de l’Éditeur, si vous y avez spécifiquement consenti au moment de la collecte ou dans la CMP (consentement cookies et autres traceurs),

– les autorités compétentes, sur requête exclusivement, pour répondre aux obligations légales.


Lors de votre navigation, sous réserve de consentement, nous pouvons utiliser un identifiant personnalisé afin d’améliorer votre expérience de navigation sur le site, aussi bien pour la personnalisation du contenu que des publicités ciblées. Cet identifiant unique est stocké dans un cookie et est réglementé par les consentements donnés sur les sites d’un réseau d’éditeurs et fournisseurs AdTech, également à des fins de suivi de fonctionnement de l’identifiant, généré par la société First-ID (responsable de traitement pour la création et l’envoi de l’identifiant). Cet identifiant ne permet pas de vous identifier directement, mais permet de suivre votre navigation afin de mieux vous connaître.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez la politique de confidentialité First-ID ici.

Vous pouvez consulter votre identifiant sur la page : et vous opposer au traitement.

7. Notre utilisation de la technologie Utiq

La technologie Utiq est fournie par Utiq SA/NV, une société européenne. Elle a été conçue pour la protection de vos données personnelles en vous offrant choix et contrôle, tout en facilitant les activités en ligne de sites web comme le nôtre.

Utiq travaille avec des opérateurs télécoms partenaires (voir la liste ici) qui aide au fonctionnement de la technologie.

La technologie Utiq ne peut être activée que si vous utilisez une connexion internet compatible* fournie par un opérateur télécom listé ci-dessous, dans les pays ou notre technologie est disponible.
Connexion internet compatible : Dans certains pays où nous opérons, la technologie Utiq est activable uniquement sur les connexions mobiles, tandis que dans d’autres pays, elle fonctionne également sur les connexions foyer (ex : Wi-Fi).

Veuillez trouver ici la liste des connexions internet compatibles par pays et par opérateurs télécom partenaires.

Cette technologie est désactivée par défaut. Elle ne peut être activée que si vous y consentez et que vous utilisez une connexion internet compatible fournie par l’un des opérateurs télécom partenaires.
Nous, Groupe Nice-Matin et notre régie publicitaire 366 (les responsables de traitement conjoint) utilisons la technologie Utiq sur nos sites web et les sites de presse quotidienne régionale française opérés par des sociétés du groupe 366. Lorsque vous consentez à son activation Utiq nous fournit des identifiants marketing. Ils nous aident à comprendre vos habitudes de navigation et à relier vos visites sur nos sites web (seulement ceux pour lesquels vous consentez à l’utilisation de la technologie Utiq). Nous les utilisons pour nos activités digitales, telles que la personnalisation de pub ou de contenu et d’analyses sur nos sites web utilisant la technologie d’Utiq et sous réserve de vos consentements. Ces identifiants sont aussi partagés avec nos plateformes publicitaires lorsque nécessaire à nos activités de marketing et d’analyses.

Si vous activez la technologie Utiq sur nos sites web (liste disponible sur les pages “Gérer Utiq” de chacun de nos sites web), nous pourrons l’utiliser pour comprendre vos habitudes de navigation sur ces sites (ceux pour lesquels vous avez donné votre consentement).
La technologie Utiq est liée à la connexion internet.

Ainsi, toutes les personnes utilisant la même connexion et ayant consenti se verront attribuer le même identifiant. En général :

  • Pour une connexion foyer (ex : Wi-Fi), la personnalisation sera basée sur la navigation des membres du foyer ayant consenti.
  • Pour une connexion mobile, la personnalisation sera basée uniquement sur la navigation du propriétaire du mobile.

Nous (Groupe Nice-Matin) et notre régie publicitaire 366 agissons en tant que responsable de traitement conjoint avec Utiq pour certaines étapes de traitement. Dans le cadre de notre accord de responsables conjoints :

  • Nous collectons votre consentement à l’activation de la technologie Utiq, qui inclut les traitements de données effectués par Utiq et votre opérateur télécom en vue de cette activation.
  • Nous mettons à votre disposition un lien dédié en bas de chacun de nos sites web (“Gérer Utiq”) afin de vous fournir des informations sur la technologie et les contrôles dont vous disposez.
  • Utiq met à votre disposition un portail (“consenthub“) pour faciliter l’exercice de vos droits en matière de protection des données et vous permettre de gérer facilement les consentements Utiq. À tout moment. En un seul endroit.
  • Bien que vous puissiez exercer vos droits à l’égard de chacun des responsables de traitement, Utiq demeure le point de contact principal pour toute question ou demande que vous pourriez avoir en relation avec la technologie Utiq.

You can revoke Utiq consents* in various ways:

  • On the consenthub : To revoke all Utiq consents on all websites using Utiq technology, go to the Utiq portal (“ consenthub ”).
  • On partner websites : where you can revoke each Utiq consent on the websites where you have given it, by visiting the “Manage Utiq” page accessible at the bottom of each website.

Utiq technology is based on your internet connection. So if you use other connections, you will need to manage consents on each connection separately.

Alternatively, you always have the option to delete your browsing history and data via your browser settings. This will remove all your Utiq consents from your browser. All your data stored in the Utiq platform will also be deleted within the duration indicated in the Utiq Privacy Policy .

For more information, please see Utiq’s Personal Data Protection Policy .

This includes Utiq consents given by you, but also, in the case of a shared internet connection, those given by members of your household.

8. How is your data protected?

As data controller, we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with applicable legal provisions, to protect your personal data against alteration, accidental or unlawful loss, use, disclosure or unauthorized access, and in particular:

□ the appointment of a data protection officer;

□ Awareness of the confidentiality requirements of our employees who have access to your personal data;

□ Securing access to our premises and our IT platforms;

□ The high level of data protection requirements when selecting our subcontractors and partners.

□ Securing access, sharing and transfer of data.

9. What rights do you have over your data?

In accordance with legal and regulatory provisions, you have the following rights:

□ Right of access to your data (GDPR – art. 15) You can request access to your personal data that we have collected at any time. This information includes, in particular, the categories of data processed, the purposes of processing, the origin of the data when we have not collected them directly from you, the envisaged retention period of the personal data or, when this is not possible, the criteria used to determine it and the recipients to whom we transmit your data, if applicable.

□ Right of rectification (GDPR – art. 16) You can ask the Publisher to rectify your personal data. We take all reasonable steps to keep the data we have about you up to date, and we process it regularly, accurately, completely, according to the updated information we have. 

□ Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (GDPR – art. 17) You can request the erasure of your data provided that the following conditions are met: 

  • the data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or processed in accordance with the information initially received; 
  • you withdraw your consent, where this is the sole and unique legal basis authorizing the processing of data;
  • you object to the processing of your data and there are no legitimate grounds justifying the processing, or you object to the processing of your data for prospecting purposes;
  • the data has been processed unlawfully. If you were a minor (under 15 years old) at the time your data was collected, you benefit from an accelerated procedure to exercise your right to erasure. As such, the data controller has a maximum period of one month to respond to you. 
  • As an exception, your request for erasure cannot be accepted when the processing is necessary: ​​in order to comply with our legal obligations regarding retention periods; for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights. 

□ Right to be forgotten in our editorial content 

The publisher publishes personal data on its Site and its Applications for journalistic purposes. It then fulfills its duty to inform. Since the protection of personal data must be reconciled with the exercise of freedom of expression and information, the publisher of online press services reserves the right to refuse to remove personal data concerning you, subject to justifying its decision. 

□ Right to restriction of processing (GDPR – art. 18) 

You can request the limitation of the processing of your data. 

□ Right to data portability (GDPR – art. 20) You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a commonly used and readable format, and the right to transmit this data to another controller. 

□ Right to object to marketing profiling, when it is used (GDPR – art. 22) 

Sous réserve de votre consentement préalable, des cookies et autres traceurs nous permettent de déduire vos préférences, centres d’intérêt et usages de nos produits et services d’après votre navigation sur nos Sites et selon votre usage de nos Applications. Le profilage marketing se traduit également par l’affichage de publicités et contenus personnalisés par nous et certains de nos partenaires. Vous pouvez à tout moment vous opposer à ce traitement depuis notre plateforme de consentement cookies accessible : – Sur nos Sites : dans le menu en haut à gauche  « gérer mes préférences de cookies » – Dans nos Applications : dans la rubrique « Confidentialité »

□ Droit d’opposition (RGPD – art. 21) 

Vous pouvez vous opposer à tout moment au traitement de vos données personnelles, sauf en cas de motif légitime prévalant sur vos intérêts ou si nous avons besoin de vos données pour la constatation, l’exercice ou la défense de droits en justice. Vous pouvez également vous opposer à ce que vos données personnelles soient utilisées à des fins de prospection commerciale.

□ Personne décédée ayant laissé des directives sur le traitement de ses données à caractère personnel (art. 85 de la loi Informatique et Libertés modifiée) 

Vous pouvez définir des directives relatives à la conservation, à l’effacement et à la communication de vos données personnelles en cas de décès. Dans cette hypothèse, ces directives seront mises en œuvre sur demande de la personne chargée de leur exécution.

10. Comment vous opposer aux offres commerciales ?

Vous pouvez à tout moment vous opposer aux offres commerciales en réalisant les actions suivantes: 

  • En cas de sollicitations par email : en cliquant sur le lien de désabonnement présent dans chaque email 
  • En cas de sollicitations par SMS – en répondant STOP au numéro indiqué dans le message du SMS 
  •  En cas de sollicitation sur nos applications : lors de votre première visite sur nos applications, vous pouvez donner l’autorisation à la réception de notifications. Elles nous permettent de vous communiquer des contenus éditoriaux et peuvent, à titre exceptionnel, être utilisées pour des offres commerciales. Vous pouvez à tout moment désactiver ces notifications dans les réglages de votre appareil. 
  •  En cas de sollicitations commerciales par téléphone : si vous ne souhaitez pas être sollicité par téléphone, vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire sur la liste d’opposition au démarchage téléphonique accessible sur le site Le démarchage téléphonique, y compris auprès des personnes inscrites sur la liste d’opposition, est toutefois autorisé par la loi lorsqu’il a pour objet la fourniture de journaux. 
  • De manière générale en contactant notre service clients – par email :; – par courrier : Service Clients, 214 boulevard du Mercantour – 06290 NICE CEDEX 3 – par téléphone : 09 69 32 83 83, du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 16h.


1. What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a piece of information, usually small and identified by a name, that can be transmitted to your browser by a website to which you connect. Your web browser will store it for a certain period of time, and the website will be able to access it each time you reconnect. Cookies have multiple uses: for example, they can be used to memorize your identifier allowing your navigation to be tracked for statistical or advertising purposes or the current contents of your shopping cart on some of our sites, etc. All of the purposes are defined below.

2. What are your rights regarding the acceptance and management of cookies ?

The use of cookies is subject to your consent when cookies are not strictly necessary for the operation of our Sites and Applications or exempt from this consent, according to the conditions defined by the regulations. Indeed, the recording of a cookie in a Device is essentially subject to the will of the user of the Device, which the latter can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him via the cookie management platform that we make available to him or by his browser software. The refusal or acceptance of cookies is subject to your consent, with the exception of operating cookies. 

If you have accepted in your browser software the recording of cookies in your Device, the cookies integrated in the pages and contents that you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your Device.

3. How to express or withdraw your consent?

You can express your choices regarding the deposit or not of Cookies through the CMP that is displayed during your first visit. You can then withdraw your consent at any time by reconnecting to the CMP. Note that you will have to repeat your choices if you are in private browsing or if you have deleted pre-existing Cookies. The choice of consenting or not to Cookies according to their purposes is proposed.

You may also object to the use of your data on a recipient-by-recipient basis or in bulk within this same CMP.

Access the CMP

The consent you give is valid for a maximum period of six months from the first deposit in your terminal equipment.

If you do not consent to the recording of Cookies or if you have deleted them, your browsing and your experience on Digital Media could be degraded and will not be able to take into account your consultation history .

The cookie The  nli cookie  allows certain information relating to the Internet user’s browsing to be collected or stored during its period of validity.

To disable it, click below

Disable the cookie nli Nice-Matin

Disable the nli Var-Matin cookie

Disable the nli Monaco-Matin cookie

4. What categories of cookies are used on our Sites and Applications?

In order to inform you as best as possible about Cookies, it is appropriate to group them according to their purpose: navigation on the site, audience measurement of the Publisher of the site, contextual or targeted advertising, sharing on social networks and fraud detection.

Some Cookies are strictly necessary for the service and therefore do not require your consent. 

These are the following Cookies:

Navigation Cookies

These cookies are necessary for the service you have subscribed to and in particular for your browsing and the proper functioning of our Sites and Applications, they can be used to:

– maintain your connection on our Sites from page to page and access your Account upon connection;

– adapt the presentation of our Sites to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, dark mode or light mode display, etc.);

– memorize information relating to your identifiers;

– implement security measures, for example when you are asked to reconnect to content or a service after a certain period of time has elapsed.

Cookies for audience measurement and content adaptation 

These Cookies help to establish statistics and volumes of traffic and use of the various elements of our Sites (sections and Content visited, paths), allowing us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services by analyzing their overall visualization. If you are logged in to your account, cookies are placed in order to associate browsing information with your personal data. 

□ Video playback cookies 

These Cookies allow you to view videos on our Site.

□ Cookies that store your choices 

These Cookies are necessary for:

– display the CMP, through which you can choose to accept or refuse Cookies, by purpose and by recipient;

– Keep your choices regarding Cookies.

□ Cookies used for advertising purposes

Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of advertising, even non-targeted advertising, which allows you to view quality editorial content without financial compensation;

Like other publishers of sites financed by advertising, we implement means to improve the relevance of the advertisements. To this end, we or our partners collect, reconcile and analyze often pseudonymous information from your navigation on our Sites (online activities, visits, pages viewed, links).

These Cookies allow, for example, to avoid the repetition of the display of the same advertisement, to check its effectiveness, to determine which advertisement to display according to your interests, to contribute to improving your navigation and making it more interesting, to improve the relevance of the messages that are likely to be sent to you, to carry out studies aimed at improving the presentation of our offers. 

Subject to your prior consent, certain Cookies will be placed in order to associate browsing information with your personal data and thus adapt the Content of the spaces and advertising communications offered.

If you refuse all targeted advertising cookies, you will still receive advertising, but it will be standard advertising, not linked to your presumed preferences and therefore likely to be less interesting to you.

□ Social media sharing cookies

The Publisher offers you the possibility to activate features allowing you to share editorial content and any type of content published on our Sites and Applications through social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Social network cookies are managed by the publisher of the social network site. You are invited to read the social network usage policy on the sites concerned.

□ Fraud detection cookies

Third parties may place Cookies to combat advertising fraud on their own behalf.